Did you know?
91% of dissatisfied customers never complain; they simply go elsewhere (i)
84% of businesses working to improve customer experience report an increase in revenue
72% tell an average of 6 others about their positive experience (iii)
Yet most small businesses, from starting out to scaling up, don’t realise how implementing some small changes can have such a positive effect on their business. Differentiating themselves from the competition, building an enviable reputation as the best in their field, utilising how captivated customers feel about their positive experiences, gaining new customers through the most effective attraction/conversion approach there is!
ClarityCX brings practical solutions, designed specifically for small business, to make all this possible.
(i) Understanding Customers” by Ruby Newell-Legner / (ii) Dimension Data / (iii) Esteban Kolsky, Corporate Strategist, Thinkjar
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