Why your online feedback isn’t getting many responses and how to fix it!

Online Feedback

Moving to online feedback!  I’ve heard it more than once when discussing ditching the paper…….

“I’ve tried online forms, but we didn’t really get many responses”

What is often missed here is that changing your paper form to an online feedback option also requires you to adjust your approach in how you request feedback from attendees / clients.

What to do:
  1. You need to tell them to expect it, and when! Ideally this is a face to face conversation, whilst they are still in the room – essential for training workshops.
  2. Explain why it’s important to you! What you will do with the responses, how this helps you / your business / your training.  (If you don’t know the answers to this, stop sending!)
  3. Set expectations of how long it will take! 90 seconds is your target.
  4. You need to make it quick and anonymous! No 3 page essays to trawl through, a quick link, immediately visible from an email and no fields asking for names.
  5. Give a deadline for when to complete! Without this, it easily drifts into the ether!
  6. Send reminders! Only to those who haven’t already completed, otherwise you’re just a pest!
  7. Ensure it is structured / asking things that are EASY to respond to! The more the recipient has to think, the less likely they are to complete it!
And remember:

As with both paper and online approaches, sharing the consolidated results is beneficial.  If you have something more ‘chunky’ that needs completing, then you’ll need to think about incentives.

So if you’ve tried adopting online feedback before and ditching those annoying paper forms, but it didn’t quite work, reassess your approach and give it a go again.  The time saving and data you will be able to use at the touch of a button really makes it a worthwhile exercise.

Still struggling?

Bashing your head on the desk and going nowhere? 

Get in touch via Teresa@ClarityCX.co.uk.  The outsourced hosting and feedback management service could be just the ticket.

If you’re beating yourself up about not getting a 100% response rate, a previous blog might help: open here





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