Posts in Uncategorized

Ways to Use Testimonials Effectively

Ways to Use Testimonials Effectively

Implementing regular ways to use testimonials effectively can be a simple, yet really beneficial marketing approach for[…]


Easy Ways to Achieve a Great Customer Experience

A Great Customer Experience (often mistaken as customer service) is every interaction, touchpoint and feeling generated by[…]


What is the best survey software for small business?

Customer Survey Software – there are loads! Google it and you get pages and pages of your[…]


What are good customer survey questions?

I’m often asked “What are good customer survey questions?” The answer to this is that “it depends!”[…]


How to write a good customer survey

You’ve been tasked with creating a new customer survey, one of two things generally happens: A blank[…]

Customer Experience

Customer Experience isn’t ‘being nice’ …..and it’s not just for big business!

There’s a simple reason that all the big brands invest and conduct research and development into customer[…]

Customer Surveys

Small Business Customer Surveys – that don’t end up in the recycle bin!!!

We’re all too familiar with the standard ‘satisfaction style’ customer surveys that clog up our inbox asking[…]


Why I Don’t Want Satisfied Customers

“Customer Satisfaction” – a well-known term in the business world – I don’t like it!  An odd[…]


Customer Surveys : 10 Top Tips

Customer satisfaction surveys (and employee surveys) are a great way to understand the customer experience. It’s not the whole[…]



To a good many of us, GDPR seems like a spectre of doom looming over the horizon.[…]


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